Santa Monica 17th St. Mobility Hub Concept Design and Feasibility Study
Santa Monica, California
City of Santa Monica
The City of Santa Monica asked JKA to develop concept designs and construction cost estimates for a mobility hub at the recently opened Metro 17th St./SMC Expo Line light-rail station. The City was seeking to both further develop initial first mile/mile last mile connectivity designs at the station stop and prepare a design concept for both structures, public open spaces, and mobility improvements.
Working with Fehr & Peers, transportation planning consultants, as well as City staff, JKA’s concept design incorporated intersection improvements and curbside management strategies that accounted for pedestrians walking to a from the light-rail stop, bus patrons alighting, kiss ‘n’ ride and shared vehicle drop-off, and bicycle movements from dedicated pathways through transitional mixing zones. A new one-story bike center and retail kiosk anchoring a plaza was oriented towards the 17th St. and Colorado intersection, establishing a gathering spot where locals, bikers, and transit patrons could grab a cup of coffee, securely park their bikes, and visibly and safely transition to and from the new regional transit infrastructure. The design was developed schematically to the point that basic building systems were selected and analyzed by JKA on a unit cost basis. Key to the exercise was illustrating the concept design so that the feasibility could be easily communicated to staff and decision-makers and then incorporated into a City grant application for funding.