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Santa Barbara Economic Feasibility Study

Santa Barbara Economic Feasibility Study

Santa Barbara, California

BAE Urban Economics for the City of Santa Barbara



JKA was asked by BAE Urban Economics to collaborate on an Economic Feasibility Study for the City of Santa Barbara. The study examined the impact to multi-unit production by shifting from a density-based zoning standard to a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) standard. This shift provides more flexibility for developers to design units that better respond to local market conditions, increases the density within existing zoning envelopes, and maintains standards with respect to form and scale.

JKA developed 12 three-dimensional diagrammatic prototypes that reflected the full range of FAR scenarios being considered by the City. These were crafted after the analysis of existing development standards, design guidelines, and potential site constraints. Each quantifiable scenario was placed on a typical site in relationship to the maximum allowed zoning envelope. The prototypes and the financial feasibility analysis that followed helped determine revised inclusionary housing requirements in private development. The study demonstrated that feasible projects with increased numbers of affordable housing could be implemented while conserving the scale of existing historic development patterns.