Mark Twain Hotel

Mark Twain Hotel

Hollywood, Los Angeles, California

62 Keys

Hawkins Way Capital



As development and renewal unfold in the area surrounding the new Hollywood and Vine light rail stop, a vibrant scene has emerged with film and culinary schools, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

JKA, having completed the renovation and restoration of the Gilbert Hotel with Hawkins Way Capital, was then asked to do the same with the historic 1924 Mark Twain Hotel just up the street.

JKA’s design preserves the appearance, use, configuration and spirit of the Spanish Colonial revival hotel while bringing the interior and facade up to contemporary building code and hotel design standards. The concept of the upgrade was to suggest the history of the hotel using modern materials and contemporary sensibility. This preservation of character was achieved with the help of vintage photographs of the hotel from the 1930’s.

The renovated hotel includes all new building systems, 62 modernized hotel rooms, ADA improvements, and a lobby with office, laundry, dining and vending areas. The iconic rooftop sign was refurbished, seamlessly integrating the building into the evolving historic Hollywood neighborhood.