2307 West 6th Street
Los Angeles, California
PCA, Inc. with Walden House
John Kaliski Architects was asked to work with Walden House, a non-profit that provides drug and alcohol recovery services, by the owners of an abandoned senior home looking to bring the building into conformance with code requirements.
John Kaliski Architects worked closely with the Los Angeles Planning and Building and Safety departments to finalize a menu of code upgrades that maintained the underlying land use from a zoning perspective, even as the building occupancy shifted from R1 to R4. The shift in occupancy required upgrades to restrooms and stairwells, reconfiguration of rooms, compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, reconstruction of the existing commercial kitchen, modernization of building systems, and structural improvements to meet new seismic standards.
The objective was to freshen the appearance, utility, and comfort of the building for its new inhabitants, while minimizing costs within the context of required code improvements.